The nonprofit Breshna Foundation for Culture mission is to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage of Afghanistan and to pioneer fruitful approaches to civic life, nationwide, in cooperation with diverse intuitions.


Our focus is to turn the spotlight on Afghanistan’s rich and diverse culture, especially the arts and architecture of the 20th century. We will present the people who have played a decisive role in shaping these fields over the last one hundred years, among them, the Breshna/Brechna family.
We are devoted to the Afghan arts and culture of 20th-century. Our Foundation’s first priority is to preserve Abdul Ghafur Brechna’s outstanding cultural legacy and make it publicly accessible.


Our Foundation promotes the skills and talents of young people, in particular of young women, by providing a forum to showcase and exchange their work and ideas at the international level, also through competitions and awards.


Our Foundation aims to pioneer exciting approaches to building an interdisciplinary research community with a primary focus on enriching civic life through the arts and architecture.


We cooperate with diverse institutions in order to revitalize Afghanistan´s rich pool of talented artists, architects, and urban planners, in the light both of their cultural heritage and their global aspirations.

REPORT 21/22

General Overview of Foundation Setup and Program, Reflecting on Progress and Outlining Future Projects (in English and German).