The Foundation

The Breshna Foundation for Culture, established in Germany in early 2021, embodies a century-long family tradition that has significantly influenced Afghanistan’s cultural landscape. For the past hundred years, the Breshna/Brechna family has been instrumental in shaping the arts and architecture of 20th-century Afghanistan.

Afghanistan, a cultural mosaic reflecting diverse historical influences and a rich tapestry of ethnic groups and languages, has been a natural geographic hub and a focal point of global politics since its earliest days. Despite its checkered history marked by phases of prosperity and decline, persistent difficulties in recent decades have painted a narrative of neglect and ruin.

Our mission is to rekindle appreciation for Afghanistan’s 20th-century culture, inspiring younger generations both within Afghanistan and the global Afghan diaspora. We aim to empower them to contribute to the country’s future using their talents, skills, inspired ideas, and intellect.

The late Abdullah Breshna, our foundation’s main benefactor, left a legacy of more than two hundred paintings, handwritten manuscripts (including dramas and historical treatises), audio documents, and compositions by his father, Abdul Ghafur Brechna. This invaluable gift is entrusted to the nonprofit Breshna Foundation for Culture with a mission to preserve and promote Afghanistan’s cultural heritage and pioneer innovative approaches to civic life nationwide.

Nonprofit Status

The Breshna Foundation for Culture is a tax-registered, exclusively nonprofit organization serving charitable purposes.

Trustee / Chariwoman

Zahra Breshna was appointed as Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees by its benefactor, her father, Abdullah Breshna. Accordingly, she now presides over the Foundation’s affairs.

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees has—so far—three permanent members: Zahra Breshna, (Chairwoman), Habib Breshna, and Jussof Breshna. They are the children of Abdullah Breshna and the surviving grandchildren of Abdul Ghafur Brechna. Shaima Breshna, wife of the late lamented Abdullah Breshna, is an honorary member of the Board of Trustees.

Committees & Working Groups

Permanent committees will be appointed by the Board of Trustees to manage the Foundation’s Awards and Scholarship Program. Working groups will be convened temporarily, on an ad hoc basis, to address or carry out specific tasks and projects, e.g., to review the Board’s funding applications.

Annual Report of the Breshna Foundation for Culture

General Overview of Foundation Setup and Program on Progress and Outlining Future Projects